Optimizing Images with Next.js Image Tag

Jan 27, 2025

Next.js comes with an advanced Image component that automatically optimizes images for performance. With built-in support for responsive images, lazy loading, and automatic resizing, the Image component enhances both loading speed and overall user experience.

In this blog post, we will explore the key features and benefits of using the Next.js Image component.

What is Next.js Image?

The Image component is part of Next.js and provides automatic image optimization. This includes resizing, lazy loading, and serving images in modern formats (like WebP) when supported by the browser. It helps to improve performance and SEO while reducing the size of your assets.

Benefits of Using Next.js Image Tag:

  • Automatic Image Optimization: Next.js optimizes images based on the device and viewport size.
  • Lazy Loading: By default, images are lazy-loaded as the user scrolls down the page, improving initial page load speed.
  • Responsive Images: Automatically generates different sizes of images to serve the best resolution based on the user's device.
  • WebP Support: The component serves images in WebP format when supported by the browser, providing better compression.


Next.js Image component is a game-changer for optimizing images in your web app.

It delivers both quality and performance.

No need for manual image optimizations.


The best way to optimize images in modern web apps is to automate it as much as possible. Next.js Image component does exactly that – improving speed and quality effortlessly.


Basic Usage of Next.js Image Component

import Image from "next/image";

export default function MyImage() {
  return (
        alt="A beautiful scenery"
Bilal Ahmad